Thursday, June 14, 2007

Home, Sweet Home!

I won't say if I am talking about Charleston or Salt Lake in reference to the title, but I did just get back from a great trip to Charleston! Here are some of the highlights...

1. Polly sleeping 99% of the flight from SLC to St. Louis

2. Meeting a really nice couple (the Reese's) who helped me off the plane with Polly's carseat, stroller & my bags.

3. Watching Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End, The Prestige, Simon Birch, The Best Two Years, She's the Man, Step Up, Napoleon...Molly's musical DVD, Erin's Dance Team DVD & of course Sesame Street & Blue's Clues.

4. Cleaning out Molly & Erin's was an all day...ongoing project all weekend...

5. Moving my Dad into his new office at EIU, great view, big windows...excellent interior decorating...

6. Eating at my favorites...El Rancherito, AJ's, Jimmy John's, McHugh's & frequent trips to Dairy Queen.

7. Mattoon ward old friends & Sister Emmett's nursery lesson!

8. Sunday afternoons taking pictures & playing at the park

9. FHE at the above mentioned El Rancherito

10. Sucessful shopping trip funded by Dad!

11. Early Father's Day celebration with excellent Belgian Waffles by Dad's new Waffle Iron. (Cool tie, too)

12. Late night trips to Wal.Mart for waffle stuff & Chinese Food.

13. Scrapbooking all of our pictures while watching She's the Man & Step Up

14. A small flight back to Salt Lake...Polly & I got our own row! It was wonderful since she didn't sleep at all & was climbing all over the place after she got sick of watching movies.

15. Meeting up with the same couple I met on the way to Salt Lake, again almost forcefully helping me to baggage claim.

16. My Welcome Home present from Lorin! He knows I love flowers but think they are a waste since they are so expensive. So he bought me flowers still in the plastic so I could arrange them myself...I loved it! Plus, I got some treats to go along with it! I love treats!

I am sure there is much more I could say. We didn't have any big plans but always seemed to be busy with something.

This weekend Polly is headed up to stay with Bob & Susan for what the family knows as "Fun Farm." She will have a great time up there with the other cousins. Lorin & I are headed to Vegas for a couple days since I have never been. We will stay in Cedar & drive over to Vegas on Saturday, go to the temple, out to dinner & then walk around at night. Sunday we will try to catch a sacrament meeting & then go pick up Polly. It will be a short trip, but should be fun. Lorin will be really missing Polly by the time we get back!

I can't wait for one month from today! Hope to see lots of you in Bountiful for the wedding! (I am sure there will be someone there to hang out with babies, let me know if I should make any other arrangements or I will assume I can bring Polly. Thanks!


  1. I couldn't be prouder of my girls! (And, Ben too, of course).

  2. Very nice... Don't tell Polly but she is the biggest of all the girls, very cute!!!

  3. What a dull life! Maybe later things will pick up or you. Hope you have a good trip to Vegas.
