Friday, June 13, 2008

McKinley and the Tueller School of Dance

McKinley is the best and cutest dancer...

Mac knew all the moves and even smiled a bunch this year. Grandparents and Katie enjoyed the Thursday night show while Sam and Alex watch the Friday night show. Of course her mom & dad caught both nights and enjoyed all but the loud music... I'm getting old.


  1. Mac, Looking good and nicely done.
    Tom, You're not getting old, in fact, you're not old enough. In a few more years your hearing will be as bad as your older brothers and dad and the music will no longer sound so loud.

  2. Bob sure knows how to huirt a guy with his comments about his father's hearing (more specifically, the loss thereof) but he hit the nail on the head about Mac - she really was the best dancer and knew all of the moves too. Way to go!

  3. Looking good Mac! I would like to add that she is the only one in the pictures with perfect posture and hand placement! As a former Hi-Lo we notice these things. :)
