Friday, October 9, 2009

Our Prayers are with you!!

To the best "ear kissing" Grandpa ever!


  1. Sorry I posted over the top of this. Our prayers are with you Dad/Grandpa (and for good measure prayers for Mom/Grandma too)

  2. Amands's red hair didn't really stand out back then but she was still just as "biteable."

  3. Prayers from the Highland Emmetts! We're sure you'll get through this latest bump in the road with the same positive attitude you've shown with your fingers, ankle, knees, back, neck melanoma, bypass, prostrate, nose, pleurisy, etc.... (ok, I admit, a malignant polyp/tumor is more than a bump in the road). We love you!!

  4. Muslim tradition holds that a prayer offered in Mecca is worth 10,000 prayers elsewhere. Prayers from Medina (the second most holy city in Islam) are worth 1,000 prayers and from Jerusalem (third most holy city in Islam) a prayer is worth 500 prayers elsewhere. There is not much chance I will ever be in Mecca or Medina (I will need to convert first) but I am in Jerusalem along with four others Emmetts and so we will unitedly offer our prayers in faith (no matter what they are worth) for continued blessings for mom and dad. Love from us all.

  5. I'm glad someone added me back onto the email list! I had no idea about this and I called yesterday to borrow the truck.... Grandpa is the best "ear kissing" Grandpa ever! And the best "letting everyone borrow the truck Grandpa". We love you!
