Thursday, May 15, 2008

Molly and Erin go to prom

Lesa made Molly's dress and altered Erin's (Erin is wearing rather high heals.)

Pretty Molly and Lee "my shoes are ugly" Walden.

Cute Erin with Kevin Giffin. (Kevin was Harold Hill in the Music Man - see earlier post.)


  1. I already told them both how great they looked - even though Molly did think think that telling her she looked a little like a mermaid - in a good way! - was a compliment.

  2. We suspect we know which genes dominated in producing two beautiful granddaughters but, in respect for Jake's feelings, we won't go any further with that. We hope they both had a good time at the prom!

  3. And both young gentlemen had the forsight to go with matching-color vests!

    Lovely ladies!

  4. Lesa, you done grand! Jake keep the shot gun loaded... any guy with shoes like that is looking for trouble.

    Girls... you both look like a 18" powder day with sun shine. (spectacular!!!)

  5. The best way to get cute kids is to marry a handsome man! I think they both looked beautiful and they seemed to be having fun. There are about a billion more pictures if you want to check out their facebook pages.

  6. Wow!! Gorgeous girls! Lesa where were you when I went to prom?? Living in the wrong state I guess!

  7. Lovely Lovely girls. While Lesa might have a point about marrying a handsome man, I'm absolutly sure that Jake got the better part of the deal by marrying Lesa and the proof is in these photos.
