Friday, September 18, 2009

Max goes to Preschool

Max started Preschool on Sept. 9. He was super excited to "start" school, but not super excited to actually "go" to school. As you can see from his smile, he's a little nervous. He did great though and I can't believe my little guy is so grown up.
Here he is at home sporting a colorful noodle necklace complete with nametag that he wore the rest of the day. I started a blog of the Falslev family, so you can check it out at
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  1. Oh Max, so cute and grown up! Tell him I love the macaroni necklace

  2. We hope his enthusiasm continues on through the rest of his acadedemic career - he looks more than ready in the photos.

  3. Max looks very scholarly. I'll bet his macaroni skills are AP worthy. Great photos.

  4. No matter how many times I do, it's not possible to look at these pictures and not smile.
