Saturday, November 22, 2008

Carly Turns 7 and hits the fashion runway!

For her 7th Birthday, Mary arranged for a party at a "salon" that included dressing up for a modeling show and tea party. What is this world coming to?

Carly's gift from her sister Emily included the bear and a medallion that says, "There's an angel watching over you."


  1. Carly is a Doll. Happy Birthday!! Now party planning Mary can get started on my birthday coming up in a couple of months.

  2. Carly is quite the "fashionista"! Not sure that Bob will look quite as good on the run way, but do what you have to do Mary. Happy Birthday Carly.

  3. What a cutey! I hope Jim and Mary are prepared to hang on for their lives keeping an eye on Carly and her eventual suiters. Congratulations on turning 7.

  4. Now that's my kind of party. Looking like a million dollars Carly!!!
